Day 2

Not ready to spend the day hiking alongside my roommates, I stayed in and had a late breakfast. The weather was a lot nicer today; while there's always a cool wind blowing this close to the sea, today it was accompanied by sunshine. I decided to take the bus to Valetta, and potentially check out some recommended sights to see.

The Upper Barrakka Gardens had my attention, so I headed straight for them. From there I got to enjoy a nice view, and really take in the sunshine. However I couldn't quite figure out if the ferry for the three-islands-tour was operating or not, so I chose to postpone the boat tour and lift ride till another day.
I walked around the city a little, but found none of the tourist-attracting stores to be inviting. After grabbing pastizzi once more and sitting at the Triton Fountain for a bit, I took the bus back home to cut my day-trip short. Back at the hostel, I caught up on writing blog entries.


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