Week 7


The topic at work is graduations. They're coming up next week, and students have a lot of questions -- most of which can be solved by reassuring them that the graduation booklet they received isn't lying to them! Some things have changed though, as the Maltese government is reevaluating its Covid policies. Because of this, the previously closed registrations for the graduations are going to be re-open once more. We've had a few people who were quite upset that they missed the original time to register, and would not be able to attend, so this resolves some situations we had earlier. 

One thing I also finally got to do was archive the full-time certificates. Since I started at MCAST, we'd been sending reminders to the hundreds of students who had not yet picked theirs up. As the numbers thinned out, it became obvious that a good number of them simply would not come. So we've now finally stopped keeping them ready at hand, and started to file them. This required sorting them differently than they were before, and making shelf-space, which resulted in a whole lot of reorganisation of old files. The moment this was done of course, more people came in to pick them up per day than had come in the previous weeks.


There was actually, really sunny weather just a while ago -- then we went back to grey and windy, and now we are slowly starting to warm up again. When the weather is dreary, I tend to stay inside even for my break at work. It's interesting how my interpretation of this has shifted -- if the weather was like this in Germany, I would certainly be raving about it. But with my colleagues constantly talking about how unusually cold it still is for this time of year in Malta, I've started to become quite entitled on the topic.

I also found out that there's supposedly a Lidl near my apartment, where I genuinely thought there was only the Wellbee's, so I went and checked that out. There's definitely a few things you can only get in one or the other store, and Lidl I think overall runs a bit cheaper. Once again, I'm a bit sorry that there are currently no adventures for me to document here -- but I find something as mundane as another grocery shopping opportunity nearby genuinely interesting. It's further than the Wellbee's, and I took a different route home than the one I took getting there, so I got to see a lot more of Santa Venera.


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