Week 8


Graduation was in full swing this week, with a lot of people making last-minute calls to clarify things. Many people realized the day before the event, that they didn't know how long it lasted or where to go on Campus. There's also one specific case that had been discussed back and forth for a while, that finally got resolved just the day before, and I was very glad to see the people involved happy. In a funny coincidence, when I returned from my break on Thursday (the day of), and my mentor decided to tune into the livestream of the graduation, the exact person I'd been in so much contact with was just called upon stage! That was genuinely pleasant to see, and made me very happy. It was nice to get to see the event, after witnessing the preparation from the sidelines for the whole month. It also meant that the office was very empty, and actually completely empty around the time I left. While some people still came in until shortly before I left, to use some of the machinery to finish up printed booklets, I ended up closing the office on my own. 

And of course, the day after the graduation, I received a stack of certificates that could not be handed out, as well as the accompanying list as a file, to update and keep track of as emails about picking up certificates would be sent out to those students that couldn't attend.

It is also two weeks after Easter now, and there's still cake every day. Figolli are a Maltese cake commonly baked around Easter, in various cute shapes. While a few were already brought in sometimes before Easter, the cake craze is now in full swing. Every day I am offered at least something, and often multiple different kinds of cake! I've mostly spoken about the actual work until now, but I want to mention again that it's a really nice work atmosphere, and people are great to be around. Everybody is friendly, they often order food together for lunch, and they're vocal in making me feel appreciated.


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